Team and board - About us - Kinderkrebsschweiz

This is how you can help

The team

The team at the Childhood Cancer Switzerland office works intensively and with a lot of personal commitment and dedication for children with cancer and their families. We would be happy to answer your questions and simply be there for you.

Elena Guarnaccia

Elena Guarnaccia

CEO ad interim
Head of Self-Help and Follow-up Care Department

Alexandra Weber

Alexandra Weber

Head of Communications

Ines Gaemperle

Ines Gaemperle

Management Consultant & Project Coordinator

Zuzana Tomášiková

Head of Survivors’ Centre

Céline Freivogel

Project Manager Information Platform

Belinda Bihari

Head of Public Fundraising

The board

The board of Childhood Cancer Switzerland consists of nine members who are each responsible for a specific portfolio. They each bring with them valuable expertise in their field due to their professional and personal backgrounds.

Portrait Nicolas von der Weid

Prof. Nicolas von der Weid, MD

Head of Oncology / Hematology, University Children’s Hospital Basel 

Susanne Studiger 

Vice President
Self-Help German-speaking Switzerland 
Affected mother

Evelyne Betticher

Evelyne Betticher

Self-help French-speaking Switzerland
Affected mother

Dr. med. Nicolas Waespe

Nicolas Waespe, MD

Specialist in pediatrics (FMH), focus on pediatric oncology/hematology; researcher at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) at the University of Bern and at the University of Geneva

Heinz Hengartner, MD

Paediatric Oncology
Senior physician for paediatrics and adolescent medicine, specialising in paediatric haematology & oncology at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Switzerland

Oliver Hediger

Oliver Hediger

Childhood cancer survivor

Sarah Salzmann

Sarah Salzmann

Division Law

Thomas Guhl 


Manuela Weichelt

Member of the National Council