Major donations - Donate - Kinderkrebsschweiz

This is how you can help

Your commitment to children with cancer and their families

There are many different reasons for getting involved in charitable work. What these reasons all have in common is that they are the wishes of people who want to do good in the long term and make a big difference – for the better. With your commitment, you can help us to improve the situation of children and adolescents with cancer, and their families, throughout Switzerland. You can give us non-specific donations or support specific projects that we implement in the areas of research, follow-up care and self-help. We are at your disposal for a personal consultation.

What can you achieve with your major donation? 

Mädchen mit blauem T-Shirt

Affected families 

Optimal care and better legal framework for families

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    In addition to a family’s concerns about a child’s survival, parents face unexpected organisational, psychological and financial burdens after receiving the diagnosis. Together with our member organisations, we are committed to optimising treatment programmes, to more psychosocial and socio-legal care services, as well as to better legal framework conditions so that families receive optimal care and support during and after therapy.

Bild einer Survorin


Better follow-up care and equal opportunities for long-term survivors

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    About 80 per cent of all survivors suffer from the late effects of their disease and therapy. Childhood Cancer Switzerland promotes their interests with the services offered by the competence centre. The focus is on improving follow-up care to ensure that those affected can enjoy a better quality of life and more equal opportunities in the future.

Christina Schindera im Labor


Promoting childhood cancer research for better chances of recovery and fewer late effects

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    Thanks to continuous progress in research, four out of five children and adolescents now survive cancer. Because state funding is far from sufficient, research depends on financial support from private donations and grants. Childhood Cancer Switzerland supports childhood cancer research so that even more children and adolescents can be cured and the late effects reduced.
