NEW: Write your own story! - Offers - Survivors - Kinderkrebsschweiz

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NEW: Write your own story!

The offer from Childhood Cancer Switzerland gives survivors the opportunity to write their own book with professional support. The aim is to give participants something that supports them and takes their mind off stressful events by focussing on a positive, creative world of thought. A biographer accompanies the entire writing process and motivates the participants to write about issues that are on their minds. It is up to the individual to decide whether to contribute a personal experience or something fictitious.

The individual meetings with the biographer take place online and are continuously adapted to individual needs. Together, we define the scope of the writing project. The overall aim is to produce a book.

The project is organised by Childhood Cancer Switzerland in cooperation with the “Verein Junge Autoren Basel” (the Basel Association of Young Authors) and is free of charge. It is aimed at survivors between the ages of 8 and 35 and is held in German or English.

Anyone interested should please contact the Head of the Survivors’ Centre Zuzana Tomasikova directly (Phone: +41 61 270 44 00). 
