Study Hodgkin Lymphoma - Research - Fields of action - Kinderkrebsschweiz

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Trial to improve the treatment of classical Hodgkin lymphoma in children and adolescents

Today, most cases of Hodgkin lymphoma can be treated successfully. However, patients can develop a new cancer years later as a result of the radiation or chemotherapy. The treatment of children and adolescents is to be further optimised as part of an international clinical trial.

Aim of the trial

The main goal of the trial is to further reduce the number of children and adolescents with classical Hodgkin lymphoma who need radiotherapy, without jeopardising the currently excellent chances of recovery. In parallel, an intensification of chemotherapy in an advanced stage of the disease should compensate for the reduction of radiation.


Target group

In Switzerland, approximately 80 children and adolescents suffering from Hodgkin lymphoma will participate. After evaluation of the trial and publication of the results, all patients will benefit from this increase in knowledge in the future through the treatment of their disease.



Implementing organisation

Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG)

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