Lots of lovely moments in spite of the rain
Networking meetings for survivors are important because those affected can find out more about important topics, swap stories with each other and engage in creative and sporting activities. The WeCanDays organised by Childhood Cancer Switzerland help to reduce the social isolation that some survivors experience after treatment. In addition to social and emotional support, this time out also aims to provide information about the long-term effects of cancer treatment, improve the quality of life, offer networking opportunities and raise awareness as well as celebrate successes. They strengthen self-confidence and help to improve the quality of life. Since 2023, Childhood Cancer Switzerland has been organising bilingual WeCanDays in German and French to make the offer accessible to as many survivors as possible.
This year, 24 survivors from German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland made the journey to Lenk in the Bernese Oberland – despite the gloomy weather forecast. The atmosphere was relaxed and the weekend offered plenty of space and time for discussions. As always, there was a creative workshop in which genuine masterpieces were created under professional guidance. Due to the heavy rain, the planned mountain hike with panoramic views had to give way at short notice to a walk down into the valley to Lenker Markt, supplemented by an entertaining fitness session in the swimming pool. Another highlight of the day was a visit to a nearby riding centre, where the horses seemed just as pleased to see us as we were to see them.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the participants, the organising committee and all the donors who made this weekend possible in the first place – especially our member organisation Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder, Regio Basiliensis for its long-standing and loyal support of the WeCanDays.