Long Term Follow-Up Consultations
University Children's Hospital Basel (UKBB)
Spitalstrasse 33
CH - 4056 Basel
To make an appointment for transitional consultations, please contact the secretariat of the haematological oncology outpatient clinic at UKBB: phone +41 61 704 71 71
Contacts at UKBB
Prof. Nicolas von der Weid, MD, Head of department and Dr Tamara Diesch, MD, Senior doctor
Contact at university hospital basel (USB)
Dr Fatime Krasniqi, MD, USB
Website: www.ukbb.ch/de/ukbb/abteilungen-dienste/onkologie-haematologie.php (in German)
Costs: The usual rates for outpatient treatment apply; costs are charged to your health insurance, but please note that you may have to pay a deductible.
Languages: German, French, Italian, English
Consultations: By appointment
Transitional consultations: on Wednesday afternoons
The transition consultation takes place in cooperation with the medical oncology department of the University Hospital Basel, represented by Dr. Fatime Krasniqi, and the hematology department, represented by Dr. Roby Mathew and Dr. Raphael Battegay.
We offer regular follow-up examinations at UKBB for current patients who have completed their treatment. When they reach young adult age (approx. 18–22), they make the transition to adult treatment in the Haematology or Oncology departments at University Hospital Basel. Their first consultation (transitional consultation) takes place at UKBB with paediatric and adult haematological oncologists.
We offer discussions for former patients who want advice on examinations that will be necessary in the future and can compile a medical history for them containing the most important information about their disease and treatment, as well as recommended additional check-up examinations that they will need. We are happy to work with them to identify where further after-care could take place during adulthood, and the form such care will take.